We offer a stage for innovative projects for creative minds from various backgrounds. Our goal is to provide answers to the pressing questions of the future. The results of the projects are published in papers, as well as integrated into our products. We have already received several awards for our innovative spirit and our commitment to customers and employees:
Germany - Land of ideas
In 2008, qualitype GmbH has been honoured as an “excellent location” by the initiative "Germany - Land of Ideas". Companies, receiving the award, are honoured for their future-oriented and innovative focus, as well as its operative ability, role model effect on others and incentive.
Winner "Trusted Cloud"
We are also the winner of the BMWI technology competition "Secure Internet Services - Secure Cloud Computing for SMEs and the public sector (Trusted Cloud)". This competition examined the development and testing of solutions to remove technical, structural, organisational and legal barriers for cloud computing in SMEs and the public sector.
We work on the continuous development of the scientific and technical base of our products. Therefore, we supervise and work on scientific projects.
DNA analytics
The field of DNA analysis is constantly evolving. New methods are developed and new recommended guidelines by the International Society of Forensic Genetics (ISFG) are constructed. Our new methods can solve previously unsolvable criminal cases, as even the smallest DNA quantities are enough to prove stain contribution.
Technological change is the central focus of our research. For intelligent, linked products, we need new technological infrastructures. The current topics of Industry 4.0 are Big Data and Cloud Computing.
Trusted Cloud
Our customers work with sensitive data that need to be protected. This project is looking for approaches for secure processing of sensitive data in a public cloud. For this purpose, new cryptographic methods, and an innovative solution for ensuring data protection in the cloud, have been developed.